The SEGURH2 project, developing technology for green hydrogen infrastructure safety.
SEGURH2 is a project funded by the Basque Government Department of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability (ELKARTEK 2024 Programme). The project consortium, led by Tecnalia, also comprises IKOR Technology Centre, the University of Mondragón, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and the Tekniker and BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics) research centres.
The initiative is developing advanced predictive models to detect critical situations in advance and to understand their behaviour, such as the spread of leaks, to ensure the safety of green hydrogen infrastructure. Risk scenarios are being analysed and models are being developed to simulate and predict potential impacts.
Smart sensor technology is also being developed to detect hydrogen leaks and to know when hydrogen sensors are reaching the end of their useful life, enabling active monitoring systems to be put in place. Hydrogen diffusion models are being developed on the basis of experimental parameters and criteria to be able to roll out infrastructure which is both safe and capable of anticipating and responding quickly in the event of an incident. The tests will be conducted both in the ZeroLab hydrogen laboratories and in Tecnalia's Kubik experimental building, which will be used for real controlled validation purposes.
Source: Tecnalia