MFP Guide

Period open for companies to submit proposals for Master's Final Projects for the Inter-University Master's Degree in Hydrogen Technologies.

The Inter-University Master's Degree in Hydrogen Technologies, organised by the Repsol-Petronor Group, UPV/The University of the Basque Country, Mondragon Unibertsitatea/The University of Mondragón and Somorrostro Vocational Training Centre, amongst other organisations, has just opened the period for companies to submit proposals for Master's Final Projects (MFPs). Applicable specifications include the following:

- The subject matter can be on any aspect of the H2 value chain.
- The student shall dedicate at least 225 hours of work to the MFP.
- As this is a Master's Degree for Professionals and most of the students work, the MFP shall be done outside working hours and on a non face-to-face basis. Consequently, the MFP shall not be remunerated.
- The company shall propose an MFP objective and dedicate a minimum of 10 hours to monitoring and following-up on the student's work, e.g. through video calls and/or face-to-face meetings.
- Confidentiality of the work done can be requested by the student and academic tutor signing an NDA requesting the confidentiality of the document. The NDA shall be deposited at the University for a period of x years, at which point the company's work is completed.


For more detailed information about the implications for the company, please contact José Mari Canales of the University of Mondragón, coordinator of the Master's Degree:

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