Delegation from the Nagoya industrial region of Japan

Japan's Nagoya Region shows interest in the Basque Hydrogen Corridor.

This week, a business mission from Japan, consisting of about thirty corporate CEOs, educational institutions and other economic organisations, will visit the Basque Country, with a view to strengthening trade relations between the Basque Country and Japan.

The Japanese delegation is part of the Central Japan Economic Federation, known as "Chukeiren", the purpose of which is to identify opportunities for cooperation and business.

On Tuesday, 11 October, the delegation met with José Ignacio Zudaire, President of the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C), to learn first-hand about the plans for the development of hydrogen in the Basque Country and, more specifically, about the projects envisaged by the BH2C, which already has around 70 member organisations.

The Japanese delegation, headed by Mizuno Akihisa, includes representatives of 32 internationally recognised Japanese companies, such as Toyota, Hitachi and Mitsubishi. Their visit has been triggered by their interest in getting to know in situ the industrial framework of the Basque Country, a European industrial region of reference.

Accompanied by Iñigo Ansola and Aitor Urzelai, General Managers of EVE and SPRI, respectively, José Ignacio Zudaire explained the context within which the Basque Hydrogen Corridor was set up a year ago, with an investment of 1.5 billion euros up to 2026, and the creation of around 1,340 direct and 6,700 indirect jobs.

Link: Japan's Nagoya region shows interest in the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (

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