Meeting at the EIC.

LuxHyVal- Luxembourg Hydrogen Valley visits the EIC and the BH2C, as part of its twice-yearly consortium coordination activities to share experiences and explore avenues for collaboration.

Last week, the BH2C and Parke hosted a visit from LuxHyVal (, an initiative funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe Programme. The aim of LuxHyVal, a 5-year project which started in November 2023, is to produce green hydrogen using a 6 MW electrolyser to supply two industrial consumers and a variety of mobility uses, with an entire ecosystem of activity around the project provided by the 17 organisations (universities, private companies, public administration) that make up the initiative.

On Wednesday, 15 May, the delegation of around 30 people first visited H2SAREA with Nortegas, and were later shown around the Abanto Campus, where Raquel Ubarrechena, from the Basque Country Technology Park, outlined the unique characteristics of the Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) and Asier Madariaga, from Alba Petronor, explained the approach and activities of the BH2C. At the end of the day, Elías Unzueta, from Petronor, was the host on a visit to the refinery and the 2.5 MW electrolyser.

On 16 May, again at the EIC, a symposium on H2 valleys was organised, with the online presence of the Victorian Hydrogen Hub (VH2), the University of New South Wales and the North Queensland Hydrogen Consortium. At the event, LuxHyVal was represented by Bradley Ludewig and the BH2C by Marcos Suarez, from the Basque Energy Cluster. Subsequently, 3 working groups were organised, on valley coordination, infrastructure and mobility, involving local representatives from Nortegas, Vectalia, Irizar, Calvera, Petronor and the BH2C.

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