H-ACERO project.

The event to mark the completion of the H-ACERO project, to be held on 28 May at SIDEREX.

The Basque Steel Industry Cluster (SIDEREX) is organising an event to mark the completion of the BH2C H-ACERO project: Climate neutrality of the steel industry based on new technologies and processes with intensive application of hydrogen, to be held on 28 May, from 11:00 to 13:00, at SIDEREX (Iturriondo Kalea, 18, Edif. A1, 1ºC, 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia).

The aim of this event is to disseminate and transfer the results and activities of the project, funded within the framework of the HAZITEK call for proposals to support the development of Industrial Research Projects and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The strategic objective of the H-ACERO project has been to contribute to the decarbonisation of the steel sector, using hydrogen as an alternative energy source at various stages of the steel production process. To achieve this, the proposal has been to develop advanced technologies and new materials compatible with the production processes of the steel industry, with a view to achieving sustainable hydrogen-based steel production.

Click here for the programme, with full details of the event, and a registration link.


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