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Third meeting of the Production Vertical of the BH2C, announced for 9 April.

The next meeting of the Production Vertical, led by Enagas Renovable and Petronor, will be held at 10.00 on Tuesday, 9 April, at the Tecnalia Headquarters in Donostia (Mikeletegi Pasealekua 2, Gipuzkoa Science and Technology Park, 20009 Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa). At the end of the meeting, attendees will be invited to visit the Hydrogen laboratory inaugurated last month.

The meeting is scheduled to last around 4 hours, with the following agenda:

10:00 Welcome and introduction (Enagas Renovable, Petronor)

10:10 Latest developments in the Vertical and regulatory aspects around production - José Manuel de Pablo Cubero, Project Manager; Adrián Devesa, Coordinator of Strategy, Communications and Regulatory Affairs (Enagas Renovable); Javier Perea, Senior Innovation Technician (Petronor)

10:30 Technological developments at Sener towards the competitiveness of renewable hydrogen - Jesús María Lata, CTE of Energy and Technical Director of Renewable Hydrogen Production Developments (Sener) 

11:00 Natural or geological hydrogen - Jordi Tritlla i Cambra (GEMIX - Consulting in Ore Deposits, Diagenesis and Energy)

12:00 Coffee break

12:30 Visit to H2 laboratories by groups - Ekain Fernández, Head of Hydrogen Technologies (Tecnalia)

14:00 Session closure

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